15 Powerful Amazon Seller Hacks for 2024

Amazon seller hacks that will boost your revenue

Competition on Amazon has always been absurdly high and with every year we advance, the number of competitors is definitely not diminishing – quite the contrary, actually. The good news is, there are plenty of Amazon seller hacks that you can apply in your everyday worklife that will make your job not only easier, but also set you apart from the competition. SELLERLOGIC has been working together with bestsellers of the industry for many years and during this time, we were able to pick up one or the other selling method that will give you an unfair advantage on the platform. Let’s dive right into our 15 hacks for Amazon.

#1 Monopolize Your Niche

While it makes sense to keep an eye on trends and to expand your portfolio wherever possible, there is real money to be made in specific niches. Especially if you are able to box out the competition there. 

Focusing on a specific niche allows you to tailor products and marketing efforts to a targeted audience, reducing competition and increasing visibility. This specialization can build strong customer loyalty and establish you as an expert in your field.

The benefits are definitely worth investing time into. They include reduced competition, targeted marketing, higher conversion rates, and the potential for higher profit margins. Customers are often willing to pay more for products that specifically meet their needs.

Here are a few tips:

  • Identify your niche by researching market demand, analyze competitors, and engage with potential customers to understand their needs. 
  • Choose a niche with manageable competition and sufficient profit margins, leveraging your expertise for an added advantage.
  • Define your target audience with buyer personas, create a specialized product line, and optimize listings with niche-specific keywords. Develop targeted content to attract and engage customers, and build a community through forums and social media.
  • By continuously monitoring trends and feedback, you can adapt and maintain relevance and grow sustainably.

#2 Pay to Win – Use Amazon PPC Campaigns to Target Long-Tail Keywords

Boost your Amazon sales with PPC (Pay-Per-Click) campaigns by targeting long-tail keywords, which are more specific and less competitive than short, broad terms. Start with a thorough keyword research using tools like Amazon’s own keyword planner. Then go ahead and use these long-tail keywords for your ad campaigns to reach a more targeted audience that is closer to making a purchase decision. By bidding on less competitive long-tail keywords, you can achieve a higher conversion rate and lower Cost-Per-Click (CPC), ultimately improving your return on investment (ROI) and boosting your product visibility. 

#3 Sell on Multiple Channels

Whether it’s the question of Ebay vs. Amazon or if maybe your selfmade handsoaps would have better chances flying off the shelves on a platform like Etsy. Multichannel selling will always be one of the hacks for Amazon that will generate you some solid extra revenue when correctly done. Here is why:

Selling on multiple channels gives you more ways to make money and reduces the dangers of relying only on Amazon. It helps you reach more people and different types of customers. Pick platforms that fit your product. For example, handmade items do well on Etsy, while electronics can sell well on eBay. Using different channels also makes your brand more known and trusted. Overall, selling on multiple platforms increases your sales chances, keeps your business steady, and helps you grow by reaching more buyers.

#4 Know Your Numbers

Imagine trying to grow your business without knowing your numbers, an impossible endeavor. 

Knowing your costs and profit margins is key to making smart business decisions on Amazon. Start by figuring out all your costs, including production, shipping, Amazon fees, marketing, storage, and any other expenses.

Once you know your total costs, calculate your gross profit margin by subtracting these costs from your sales revenue and then dividing by your sales revenue. This shows how much profit you make on each sale before other expenses.

For a complete picture, calculate your net profit margin by subtracting all operating expenses from your gross profit and then dividing by your sales revenue. This tells you your overall profit after all costs.

Understanding these margins helps you set the right prices, run effective promotions, and find ways to save money. It also lets you see if new products will be profitable and keeps track of your business’s financial health.

In short, knowing your costs and profit margins helps you stay competitive and successful on Amazon. It ensures you make informed decisions that keep your business profitable.

If monitoring your numbers comfortably and ensuring your profitability constantly are a requirement for you to run your business, SELLERLOGIC Business Analytics was developed for you.

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#5 Optimize for the Buy Box, but at the Best Price

Every experienced seller knows that winning the Buy Box on Amazon is crucial. However, not everyone understands how to maintain the Buy Box while selling at the highest possible price. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Identify the competitor currently holding the Buy Box and offer a lower price to win it for yourself.
  2. Once you secure the Buy Box, gradually increase your price in small increments. Monitor your sales as you do this. You aim to keep the Buy Box visibility while selling at the highest price. If you notice a decline in sales, it signals that you may have lost the Buy Box. At this point, lower your price to regain it.

As you might have guessed, this method drains a lot of your resources and time. This is why SELLERLOGIC developed the Repricer, which will win you the Buy Box for your B2B and B2C products automatically, so that you can focus on more important things than your pricing. 

Amazon hacks for 2023 and 2024

#6 Optimize Storage Space to Reduce Fees and Improve Efficiency

Another Amazon selling hack that will save you money is managing storage space effectively. Monitor inventory levels with Amazon’s Inventory Performance Dashboard to avoid overstocking. Use FBA for fast-selling items and third-party services for slower sellers to keep storage fees low.

Moreover, implement a First-In, First-Out (FIFO) system to move older stock first, reducing aged inventory fees. Regularly review and remove slow-moving or unsellable products to free up space for more profitable items. This approach helps minimize fees and maximize inventory turnover, making your Amazon business more efficient and cost-effective.

#7 Develop a Unique Brand Identity 

Building a strong brand identity is key to standing out from your competitors. Good branding helps you earn trust and credibility, making customers more likely to pick your products. Your brand should reflect your values and personality, making it memorable and recognizable. This boosts customer loyalty and repeat sales.

Keep your branding consistent across everything—product listings, packaging, and customer service—to create a great customer experience. Also, having your own online store, not just an Amazon page, adds a professional touch. It shows customers you’re serious and helps close sales by making your brand look more legit.

In a fiercely competitive marketplace like Amazon, a good brand identity and your own website are essential for standing out and achieving long-term success. 

#8 Leverage Product Reviews for Social Proof

One of the most effective ways to build trust with potential buyers is through positive product reviews. Customer reviews serve as social proof, demonstrating that your product is not only legitimate but also of high quality. Amazon customers rely heavily on reviews before making purchase decisions, and having a solid number of positive reviews can significantly improve your conversion rate.

If you sell over FBM (Fulfillment by Merchant), encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews by following up post-purchase with a polite request. You can also use Amazon’s “Request a Review” button to automate this process. In addition, always respond to negative reviews professionally, offering solutions or clarifications. This not only shows that you care about customer feedback but also reassures potential buyers who may be hesitant due to negative comments.

Building a collection of genuine, positive reviews helps increase product visibility, boosts credibility, and ultimately leads to more sales.

Hacks that will make you dominate the Amazon competition asap.

#9 Use Amazon FBA to Scale

In full honesty, this actually does not belong in the section of Amazon selling hacks, but is rather a requirement nowadays for sellers. 

Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) is a powerful tool for scaling your business. With FBA, Amazon handles the logistics for you, from storage and packaging to shipping and customer service. This allows you to focus on other areas of your business, such as sourcing new products or improving your marketing strategies.

FBA also makes your products eligible for Amazon Prime, giving you access to a large base of loyal Prime members who are more likely to buy products with free and fast shipping options. Moreover, FBA increases the chances of winning the Buy Box, as Amazon favors sellers using their fulfillment services.

While FBA comes with fees, the trade-off in terms of scalability and customer satisfaction is often worth it. Take the time to assess whether FBA is suitable for your product line and if the benefits outweigh the costs.

#10 Optimize Your Product Listings

A well-optimized product listing is essential for success on Amazon. From product titles to bullet points and descriptions, each element should be crafted to catch the eye of both customers and Amazon’s search algorithm.

Start by conducting keyword research to ensure you’re using relevant search terms in your title, description, and backend keywords. Make sure your product images are high-quality and showcase your product from various angles, as visual appeal plays a huge role in the buying process.

Your listing should clearly highlight the product’s benefits, using bullet points and A+ content to make key features stand out. Avoid long, cluttered sentences; instead, focus on readability and clarity. By optimizing your listings, you can improve your product’s search ranking, attract more traffic, and ultimately convert more browsers into buyers.

#11 Automate Repricing to Stay Competitive

We already mentioned how intelligent pricing and especially solutions like the SELLERLOGIC Repricer can win you the Buy Box, but there is a little more to it than that. 

Pricing can make or break your success on Amazon, and manually adjusting your prices to stay competitive can be time-consuming. This is where solutions like the Repricer become essential. With SELLERLOGIC, your prices are automatically based on changes in competitor pricing, market demand, and other factors. This applies to wholesale and private label products alike.

By setting rules for your minimum and maximum price, you ensure your product stays competitively priced while maintaining profitability. Automated repricing not only helps you stay in the Buy Box, but also increases sales velocity, and reduces the time spent on manual price adjustments.

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#12 Offer Bundles and Promotions

Another effective way to boost your sales on Amazon is by offering product bundles and promotions. By combining complementary products into a bundle, you can increase the perceived value and sell at a higher price point. Bundles also provide customers with convenience and incentivize them to purchase more items at once, which can lead to higher order values.

In addition, take advantage of Amazon’s promotions and deals, such as Lightning Deals or coupons, to drive traffic and boost sales during low demand periods. These promotions can also help clear out slow-moving inventory or introduce new products to your customer base.

Be strategic with your promotions and bundles, ensuring they align with your overall business goals and contribute to your profit margins.

Good branding is another Amazonhack to increase revenue sustainably.

#13 Use Amazon Brand Analytics

Amazon Brand Analytics is a powerful tool that provides insights into customer behavior, competitor performance, and keyword trends. By using this data, you can make informed decisions about your marketing strategies, product listings, advertising campaigns and ultimately discover how to sell more on Amazon.

The tool offers valuable metrics such as search term rankings, demographic insights, and competitive benchmarking, helping you understand what drives customer purchases. This information can be used to optimize your product listings, improve ad targeting, and identify new growth opportunities.

For registered brands, Amazon Brand Analytics is an indispensable resource that helps you stay competitive and refine your approach to maximize sales.

#14 Invest in Customer Service

If you are not using FBA for your customer service, you can make use of the options open to you in regard to improving the customer journey you provide for the buyers. Excellent customer service is crucial to building long-term relationships with your customers. On Amazon, this can manifest in various ways, from responding quickly to customer inquiries to resolving issues with refunds or exchanges.

By going above and beyond with customer service, you can turn one-time buyers into repeat customers and encourage them to leave positive reviews. Implement systems to respond to customer questions promptly and offer clear solutions to problems.

Even on a large platform like Amazon, exceptional service can differentiate your brand and foster customer loyalty.

#15 Get Reimbursed for FBA Errors

Using Amazon FBA has so many benefits for sellers, it would actually be considered unwise to not let Amazon handle your fulfillment for you these days. However, when it comes to getting reimbursed for errors that happen with your products during the FBA process, you have to invest time and effort if you don’t want to lose substantial funds to the online giant. 

Here’s the problem: not only is it quite complicated to get reimbursed for Amazon’s mistakes with your products, but sometimes the reimbursement amount is so little that it’s not even worth the time investment on your part.

The smartest way to solve these problems is by automating this very tedious process. SELLERLOGIC Lost & Found Full Service can identify all these reimbursement claims for you and recover your funds without you having to lift a finger. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you are looking to get your money back quickly and efficiently.

Explore SELLERLOGIC Lost & Found Full-Service
Your Amazon reimbursements, handled by us. New all-inclusive service.


What hacks are there on Amazon?

There are several strategies to optimize your experience on Amazon. Sellers can use price tracking tools, keyword optimization, and competitor analysis software to boost sales. Customers can benefit from using wishlist alerts, Amazon Warehouse deals, and third-party coupon sites. These hacks can help save money, improve listings, and maximize profitability.

Which Amazon hack is the most important for sellers?

One of the most impactful hacks for Amazon sellers is using an automated repricer. This tool continuously adjusts your product prices based on competitor activity, demand, and market trends, helping you stay competitive without constant manual intervention. A smart repricer can improve your pricing strategy, leading to increased sales and better profit margins.

Is using automations an important hack for selling on Amazon?

Automations are crucial for Amazon sellers as they streamline repetitive tasks, saving time and reducing errors. Tools like automated repricers, inventory management software, and ad campaign optimizers allow sellers to focus on strategic growth rather than manual operations. By leveraging automation, sellers can efficiently manage their business and maximize profitability.

Image credits: ©️Wattana – stock.adobe.com / ©️Nelson – stock.adobe.com / ©️ผดุงศักดิ์ กิจมานะทร – stock.adobe.com / ©️PureSolution – stock.adobe.com

Maximize your revenue with your B2B and B2C offers using SELLERLOGIC's automated pricing strategies. Our AI-driven dynamic pricing control ensures you secure the Buy Box at the highest possible price, guaranteeing that you always have a competitive edge over your rivals.
SELLERLOGIC Lost & Found Full-Service
Audits every FBA transaction and identifies reimbursement claims resulting from FBA errors. Lost & Found manages the complete refund procedure, including troubleshooting, claim filing, and communication with Amazon. You always have full visibility of all refunds in your Lost & Found Full-Service dashboard.
SELLERLOGIC Business Analytics
Business Analytics for Amazon gives you an overview of your profitability - for your business, individual marketplaces, and all your products.