SELLERLOGIC Lost & Found Full-Service: Automatic FBA Error Reimbursements

SELLERLOGIC Lost & Found Full Service enables fast reimbursements without any headaches

There is one thing you can be certain of in the Amazon universe: You as a seller have to live up to higher expectations with every upcoming year. Fierce competition, dynamic marketplaces, immense time pressure; these are the main challenges sellers face in this field. SELLERLOGIC was founded to address these factors with one goal in mind: to help you master the marketplace through streamlined and optimized selling processes. 

Ask yourself the following question: If an FBA error caused by Amazon leads to you losing money, wouldn’t it only be fair to get reimbursed quickly and hassle-free? Even though this sounds like it should be a natural process, it is rarely the case. 

Many sellers sit on financial losses amounting to as much as 3% of their yearly gross revenue from FBA sales – funds they could easily reclaim within a day.

Many sellers sit on substantial financial losses – often amounting to as much as 3% of their yearly gross revenue from FBA sales – because the reimbursement process is too time-consuming. Let’s be honest, though – are the sellers to blame in this scenario? Of course not. Especially when you have a business to manage, it doesn’t make sense to sacrifice multiple hours a day running after your reimbursements.

The good news is that there is an easy, simplified and hassle-free solution to get your money back. 

SELLERLOGIC Lost & Found Full-Service is the industry’s most accurate Amazon tool for handling FBA reimbursement claims. Having reimbursed amounts to Amazon sellers ranging from four to six figures after the first audit, the solution doesn’t only dig deeper than regular reimbursement tools, it also enables you to reclaim your funds with zero time investment. Recover your funds swiftly and with assurance – SELLERLOGIC undergoes Amazon audits on an annual basis and is therefore constantly in compliance with Amazon’s rules and regulations.

This means that SELLERLOGIC identifies, analyzes, and returns your money fully automatically – almost no action needed from your side.

Since day one, SELLERLOGIC is improving existing services and developing new ones to ensure that you are winning on every of your Amazon FBA journey. The introduction of SELLERLOGIC Lost & Found Full-Service is a part of this endeavor.

All-inclusive for Amazon FBA Sellers: AI-optimized Refund Management

Analyzing FBA transactions and claiming discovered FBA errors is hardly possible manually anymore – the reports required for this in Seller Central are too complex and numerous. With SELLERLOGIC Lost & Found Full-Service, refund management becomes child’s play: no more hours spent looking through FBA reports, no more tedious searching for all the information on a case, no more copying and pasting into Seller Central and, above all, no more nerve-wracking communication with Amazon. 

Explore SELLERLOGIC Lost & Found Full-Service
Your Amazon reimbursements, handled by us. New all-inclusive service.

Protect your Profitability with the German Market Leader for FBA Reimbursements

With SELLERLOGIC Lost & Found Full-Service you get your money back from Amazon without having to sacrifice your own working hours or hire extra staff.


Simple and effortless: claim more, negotiate less

From now on, you no longer have to go through tedious negotiations with Amazon to get your money back – Lost & Found takes care of everything for you.


Time-saving & AI-supported

Let Lost & Found do the work while you take care of your business or enjoy your free time. The AI-supported system ensures a smooth process.


Automated analysis for maximum refunds

Leave FBA error monitoring to SELLERLOGIC. We will monitor transactions in the background, find errors, and strive for refunds while you focus on what’s important. Receive maximum reimbursements with SELLERLOGIC.


Historical analysis

FBA errors can be reclaimed for up to 18 months. Lost & Found covers the entire period without any gaps. SELLERLOGIC finds errors where other tools have given up.


Support from professionals for professionals

SELLERLOGIC understands Amazon’s complicated regulations. Let us turn the trials and tribulations of Amazon’s policies into your opportunities.


Transparent fees

You only pay if you actually receive money back from Amazon. The commission is 25% of the refund amount. No basic fee, no hidden costs.

Effortless and stress-free FBA refunds – that’s the SELLERLOGIC mission. Because communicating with Amazon about refunds can be complicated and time-consuming – SELLERLOGIC takes the hassle out of it. You, on the other hand, no longer have to worry about negotiating with Amazon. SELLERLOGIC takes care of all the complexity of refund management so you can focus on what’s really important to you – growing your business.

Explore SELLERLOGIC Lost & Found Full-Service
Your Amazon reimbursements, handled by us. New all-inclusive service.


Other Topics:
Does SELLERLOGIC Lost & Found Full-Service truthfully take care of the entire FBA refund process?

Yes, as a rule, you don’t have to do anything. Only in rare cases of encountering an error, such as in the delivery area, may some proof, such as invoices or shipping confirmations, be required.

What does SELLERLOGIC Lost & Found Full-Service cost?

A commission is only charged if you actually get a refund. There is no basic fee or hidden additional cost. The commission is 25% of the value of the refund.

How can I register for Lost & Found Full-Service?

You can register for SELLERLOGIC Lost & Found Full-Service here: Claim your refunds. You will then be guided through all the steps. Once you have activated Lost & Found, SELLERLOGIC will scan your FBA transactions in the background.

Where does SELLERLOGIC get the necessary data and information from?

SELLERLOGIC uses the Amazon API, which pulls the data from the system that is relevant for the search. As a German provider, you can be sure that all data is handled in accordance with the strict regulations of the GDPR.

I am already a Lost & Found customer – what happens now?

You can stay with your current Lost & Found during the transition period. As soon as you activate our new Full-Service version, all your cases will be transferred automatically. Post-transition, all customers and marketplaces will be included in the Lost & Found Full-Service framework as SELLERLOGIC takes over refund management.

What is the contract term for Lost & Found Full-Service?

There is no contract period. You can cancel your subscription at any time.

Explore SELLERLOGIC Lost & Found Full-Service
Your Amazon reimbursements, handled by us. New all-inclusive service.
Maximize your revenue with your B2B and B2C offers using SELLERLOGIC's automated pricing strategies. Our AI-driven dynamic pricing control ensures you secure the Buy Box at the highest possible price, guaranteeing that you always have a competitive edge over your rivals.
SELLERLOGIC Lost & Found Full-Service
Audits every FBA transaction and identifies reimbursement claims resulting from FBA errors. Lost & Found manages the complete refund procedure, including troubleshooting, claim filing, and communication with Amazon. You always have full visibility of all refunds in your Lost & Found Full-Service dashboard.
SELLERLOGIC Business Analytics
Business Analytics for Amazon gives you an overview of your profitability - for your business, individual marketplaces, and all your products.