July 2017
Housekeeping, furniture,
Items in Amazon:
approx. 900
approx. 7.200 per month
Florian Wucherpfennig was looking for new experiences in addition to his full-time job in the family-run electrical business. Upon the advice of a friend, he began to look into selling on Amazon.
In order to be successful on the online platform, a seller needs to overcome several hurdles and take action. Customer service and price optimization form the basis for success in the marketplace and make the retailer stand out. After the launch of his Amazon shop ReWu.eu, Florian immediately recognized the relevance of customer service and pricing.
Almost every second euro spent online ends up on Amazon. In this fiercely competitive online business, ReWu.eu has to assert itself among the other 100,000 online retailers in Germany. Since Florian sells Wholesale exclusively, the managing director has to struggle with growing competition every day. Prices can drop and the quality of the goods suffers because of this.
“We do not want to sell junk products to the customer at the lowest price. Our aim is to offer high quality products with customer service that none of our competitors can match. That‘s our top priority. This is how we remain competitive. Naturally, the price war is also present in the quality segment. This is why we needed a partner for price optimization that does not rely on the lowest price to get into the Buy Box, but rather acts dynamically and adapts prices according to the market situation,“ Florian explains.
Florian put his bet on the SELLERLOGIC Repricer because it wins you the Buy Box and the highest price. After the products are positioned in the Buy Box, the Repricer optimizes the price of said product to the possible maximum. “At present, we are designed for merchandise. Therefore, the SELLERLOGIC product is indispensable to us. It adjusts prices to the market situation, but also helps to get a quick overview of the segments in which we still have to iterate or need to observe more closely,“ Florian confirms.
Florian Wucherpfennig
“I very much think that SELLERLOGIC saves us enormous resources. Now we can put time, manpower and money into customer support. Of course, the higher profit is just as important and the Repricer delivers that every time.“
Successful Results with SELLERLOGIC:
Customer service has a high standing with ReWU.eu. Florian explains why: “It is well known that good customer service is energy depleting but pays off double in the end. It is also a surefire method to stand out from the competition. Using the Repricer allows us to save enormous amounts of energy that we can channel into our customer service which, in turn, benefits our clients. Of course, the higher profit the Repricer provides is just as important and delivered every time.“
“It‘s hard to imagine going through every product manually over and over again when the competition changes. Instead, we look at our products once a week, check which ones are not in the Buy Box and make adjustments. The Repricer takes care of the rest,“ Florian continues. “However, I believe that we are not yet using this tool to 100% of it’s capabilities and there are still a few gimmicks and feaures that could be useful and fun.“